Here is how Kenna's bowling birthday party went down at Daffodil Bowl in Puyallup.
That happens to be a 6lb bowling ball...I promise I didn't throw a 13 lb'er at her for her first try. That will be our next round...when she is training for the Olympic bowling team.
She is proud!
I'm also so proud! I love this girl to pieces and can't imagine our lives without her!! So happy I get to be her mommy!
Now THAT my friends is a sincere BFF hug! I love how Kennedy calls McKenna her 'sister'.
We love our little Ms. K!
It's never a party without the token I-have-my-daddy-wrapped-around-my-finger photo op!
Here come Benny Boy!! McKenna's sweet little cousin Ben {melts my heart} and Kennedy's obession! That girl loves her a baby!!
Ben = what a stud!
The stud muffin and his hot mommy {my sister} Callie.
I love this picture so much! These girls are totally into it...sassy as can be, but they are into this bowling thing!!
Yep, we kind of took over the place...blessed to have these people in our lives. We love them and McKenna loves their kiddos!
Aww, twoo lub. McKenna was so excited that Cale was coming to her party! It's the sweetest thing to see her in full conversation mode with her little friends. Sweetness!
"That ball better make it down the lane...all the way, I mean!"
Cupcake time!
patiently waiting for me to find a lighter to light that #4! =)
"Really, you guys are really gonna sing happy birthday to me here???"
Haha...I honestly have no idea where she gets a look like that!
A few more sweet bowling pictures!
Little tiny Owen bowling! He was so enthusiastic!
Go Benny Boy!!
At home we opened some gifts!
All in all it was a great birthday celebration for our sweet 4 year old McKenna. She is amazing in every way {except when she's not...ha} and we are blessed to have such a wonderful kid!
Sometimes I look at her and can't believe I actually kept her alive! I mean, I barely keep a house plant alive! I believe that God gave us the perfect child for who we are and for our family.
I'm so excited to see her grow and become her own person, but it sad to watch everything change so quickly. I'm thankful for the people in our lives who are a positive influence on our daughter. I believe in the well known quote "it takes a village...". Yes it does and we are blessed to have met wonderful people in WA who care and love our girl.
Happy 4th Birthday Kenna girl!
Thank you to everyone who came out to help us celebrate!
How cute! Hope she had a wonderful Birthday :)