Oh yeah! It was a good start to the garage sale season today.
Totally random, not-planned, because I had no intentions of stopping by a garage sale, but this one was advertised starting about a mile from their house so I thought it must be good. It was! Usually the random stops are the best ones.
I had these two little monkey's with me...McKenna and our sweet friend Sierra. We were actually on our way home from the Children's museum. They were like "ugh...who's house is this...are their princess' here...?"
however, they were happy to keep me company while I browsed the goods =)
Here is what I found!
This sweet beveled oval lead mirror. It's huge! Size is 24"x36" and it's going right over McKenna's dresser! $5 people...I can't even stand it! They had 6 of these for sale...the sale just started today, if you are local and need an oval mirror. Who doesn't need one for this price somewhere in their house?
The these two awesome, old wood frames. Of course they will get Shelley-fied with some paint and sanding, but for $1 a piece, I'm up for that challenge =) Twist my pale, white arm!
I wish there were 10 more of them...I wish there were, my husband is glad there wasn't. =)
{up close detail...it's about 2" wide and solid wood}
Anyone else hit any early garage sales yet? If so, what did you find?
How you find the best deals is beyond me! I'm super excited to get that mirror hung and to paint that other frame I got. Thanks for having a great eye and sharing all the tricks you have!!