Ok, so here I am! Posting my very first post on my very own blog! Who's a big girl? Me!!! I would like to thank my crazy, beautiful friend Mel for walking me through getting the details figured out last night. I'm glad she and I are in this new-to-blogging phase in our lives! Thanks Mel!!
Now, what to say? Well, I guess I'll start by saying Happy 2011 and thanks for reading? I feel weird talking about my life, but I hope this gets less awkward as I post. To be honest, this is a project I have ignored since February 2009. That was when Brian and I knew we would be moving to the Seattle area. I started my blogger account thinking I would not want to miss a beat to this new chapter in our lives. Well, I'm happy to say you have only missed out on 2 years of my life. I know, I know, I'm sure you will not sleep well tonight knowing this, but I will do my best to fill you in on our craziness and my obsessions day by day from now on.
One of my obsessions is my daughter McKenna. She turned 3 just five days ago, on January 1st! We are having her 3rd birthday party this weekend at Roach's gymnastics! So excited and busy with working on the little details for her party. Today, I spent some time at Michael's with Michelle picking out party bag stuff for her little friends thank you gifts. Tonight, I will put all that together. I love it! I'm guess the older she gets the more expensive her parties will get *sigh*. Don't kid yourself! I love every minute of it!! =)
As I mentioned, McKenna turned 3 on January 1st this year! It was a great day and spent with a few amazing people who are very dear to our family. This is what we did on her birthday...
We spent the day in Seattle with Kevin and Stacey. We spent the night at Kevin's with Stacey, woke up on New Years day, sang happy birthday to our girl, opened presents with her (again) and then took a walk to Seattle Center. The weather was amazing!
Hmmm, I wonder where we are?
She is such a nugget standing next to her daddy! I love these shots when they aren't looking. Makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
My girl standing on the space needle! Kevin took some amazing shots with his fab camera. Can I add that I have crazy camera envy...it's bad! I can't wait to see the shots he took! This never gets old. Especially with a blue sky as a background!
Our next stop was Dick's! We were first timers...well, all of us except Kevin. He had experienced Dick's before. For the rest of us, well you could say we were...well, never mind. It was our first time at Dicks =) They were good burgers. Especially after the previous night. Ok, enough about our day in Seattle. I just wanted to share that with you because right now that is the biggest deal in my life. My girl turning 3!
Happy Birthday Kenna Girl!
How fun for her and you two!